Playing Split Fiction with my fiance was always going to be an interesting experience. While I would consider myself a veteran gamer, my fiance is far from that. She's got her favorites – Sims, Silent Hill, Crash Bandicoot, and Xenoblade – but she doesn't play as many games as me.
It's one of the reasons I was looking forward to playing Hazelight Studio's latest game with her.约瑟夫(Josef)的票价以他的合作冒险之旅而闻名,就像出路一样,所以我认为和她一起玩他的一款游戏会很有趣。 Plus, I thought it would be nice to get differing perspectives on Split Fiction . We're both highly critical, but I tend to look at the overall picture while she focuses more on moment-to-moment beats.值得庆幸的是,在与游戏进行了每次比赛之后,我们总是以相同的意见发表意见 - 体验很有趣,但这不是人们所说的杰作。
不要误会我的意思,如果您只是通过各种令人兴奋和创造性的水平进入分裂小说,那么游戏就可以用黑桃散发出来。这主要要归功于中央前提,在那里您扮演两个不同的作家 - Sourpuss Sci-Fi Fan Mio和The Fantasy-To The Fantasy Eptimist的乐观主义者Zoe。他们俩都参与了一家名为Rader的出版公司,他的首席执行官正试图通过将其连接到旨在模拟其作品的机器中来窃取其作家的想法。 Mio试图逃脱并最终绊倒了Zoe的模拟,使他们的模拟融合了,其余的游戏都有两位作者试图通过摧毁Rader的机器来逃脱模拟,也希望这样做会结束Rader的盗窃。
现在,这是一个令人着迷的故事的一个令人着迷的概念,尤其是在2025年。在一个时代,艺术家越来越担心使用人工智能的使用以及公司如何越来越对尊重艺术和艺术家的兴趣越来越不感兴趣,而宁愿完全将它们从方程式中删除,而对公司的评论,AI,AI,对人类的参与的需求,对故事的创造和观念的创造和观念是迷人的。 Shame the game does absolutely nothing with it.
One thing my fiance and I both agreed upon is just how clunky the dialogue of Split Fiction is. Zoe and Mio simply aren't well-written.它不如诸如for-spoy的那样糟糕,但是几乎每一条对话都从来没有说服我们这些都是三维角色。 Plus, when the game decides to get weird, the dialogue is almost intentionally trying to nudge you and say “Isn't this funny and random???” Again, it's not constant, but there's a reason why we both began to tune out whenever a cutscene began to play.这是更令人沮丧的,因为故事中有一些很棒的想法,但是角色仅仅是分裂小说来传达其游戏玩法的密码。
Thankfully, we didn't care that much about the story because the moment-to-moment gameplay made up for it almost entirely.虽然每个角色都具有相同的一般动作,例如双跳,破折号和墙壁运行,但每个级别都会为Zoe和Mio提供一些独特的想法,序列或设置。 In the first major level, Mio gains control of a sword that allows her to invert gravity, encouraging her to get up close when fighting enemies.同时,佐伊(Zoe)获得了鞭子的访问权限,使她能够拉动和扔东西,这意味着如果您想在战斗遭遇中生存,则必须保持距离。因此,每个玩家的经验都会略有不同,并且需要玩家传达如何利用各自能力来解决他们的难题。
Related: All Split Fiction Voice Actors and Why Zoe and Mio Sound Familiar
It was in these moments that Split Fiction was at its best. When stages decided to make each character feel distinct, it made the levels far more dynamic.第一层的特色是套件,当MIO骑摩托车开车时,Zoe不得不解锁手机以确保摩托车不会爆炸。 In another level, Zoe gains the ability to manipulate the environment, and Mio has to platform across the areas that Zoe made for her.该游戏甚至具有一些较小的侧面任务,称为旁边的故事,它们以一次性的想法运行,例如将它们都变成猪,但是Zoe可以变成春天,而Mio有火箭屁。
For the most part, we enjoyed everything that the game threw at us.有时有些序列有些强迫 - 我的未婚夫讨厌猴子国王跳舞提供的音调鞭打 - 但是鉴于每个部分仅持续5-10分钟,如果我们不喜欢特定的部分,我们将获得一项新任务,使我们忘记了相对快速的旧任务。因此, Split Fiction向其玩家投掷了许多游戏机制,但是由于游戏仍然使玩家进入每个新想法,因此从来没有让人感到不知所措。 Anyone can pick up and enjoy it, regardless of their skill level, especially thanks to the game's very forgiving checkpoint system.
Visually, the game is a spectacle. One of the Side Stories involves a collapsing star that looks absolutely marvelous from a distance. Speeding along futuristic sci-fi cities is exhilarating, and even some of the quiet landscapes of the fantasy worlds have their unique charm.角色模型看起来有些粗糙,感觉就像您玩过的洋娃娃一样无机,但总的来说,分裂小说是游戏在2025年仍然可以在视觉上给人留下深刻印象的很好的展示。
At the end of the day, my fiance and I both enjoyed our time with Split Fiction.虽然它肯定有一些叙事问题,而且节奏可能会有些不平衡,但对于两个想体验完全充实的合作冒险的球员来说,这仍然是一个好时机。可以说,它的高点要高于其众多套件,并且在一些难题之外,这使我们有点生气,我们的关系对此更加牢固。
现在可以在PS5,Xbox系列X/S和PC上使用Split Fictionis。