Egal, ob Sie ein Seelenschnitter oder ein Muller sind, es gibt viele Gegenstände, die Sie in Hohlzeit erwerben können. Dies können neue Kleidungsstücke sein, die bestimmte Statistiken, Kosmetika wie Schutzbrillen oder Masken oder einzigartige Gegenstände steigern, die zum Erlernen neuer Kampfstile erforderlich sind. This guide will help you know what all items do and how to get them in Hollow Era.
There's tons of items you can acquire in Hollow Era, but it's handy to know what they all do and how to get them. The lists below are all items divided into rarity, starting from unique items to common items. Yet, like most items with a rarity, some are much harder to get than others.
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Alpha Christmas Hat | 1 Reiatsu | Exclusive to Alpha Players |
Bat Wings | 1 HP Regen, 1 Speed | Dropped by ??? |
Mahoraga Wheel | 5 HP Regen | Dropped by ??? |
Nerd Face | N / A | N / A |
Warrior Cape | 2 Strength, 1 Resistance | Obtained from ??? |
Warrior Helmet | 1 Strength, 1 Resistance | Obtained from ??? |
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Zurück Captain Cape | 1 Speed, 1 Resistance, 1 Health Regen, 1 Reiatsu, 1 Rei Regen, 1 Sword, 1 Strength | 1% chance to drop from Lvl 45+ Yammato boss |
Captain Cape | 1 Speed, 1 Strength, 1 Reiatsu, 1 Resistance, 1 Sword, 1 Rei Regen, 1 Hp Regen | 1% chance to drop from Lvl 25+ Kenpachi boss |
Fin Tail | 1 Rei Regen, 1 Speed | 1% chance to drop from any level Hollow |
Fragment of Hogyoku | Used to craft a Hogyoku | 1% chance to drop from the King of Hueco Mundo clones |
Hogyoku | Allows you to make a wish: Ruhm More Power Reichtum The World Also used to become Visored. | 1% chance to drop from the King of Hueco Mundo |
Riss Captain Cape | 1 Speed, 1 Resistance, 1 Health Regen, 1 Reiatsu, 1 Rei Regen, 1 Sword, 1 Strength | 1% chance to drop from Lvl 45+ Yammato boss |
Taillenkapitän Cape | 1 Speed, 1 Strength, 1 Reiatsu, 1 Sword, 1 Rei Regen, 1 HP Regen | 1% chance to drop from Lvl 45+ Yammato boss |
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Back Flossen | 1 HP Regen | 5% chance to drop from Fishbones |
Captains Assembly Hall Key | Opens the Captains Assembly Hall | 5% chance to drop from Soul Society Shinigami |
Erfinderbrille | 1 Rei Regen, 1 Reiatsu | 9% chance to obtain from Raids |
Zauberer Halo | 2 Rei Regen | 5% chance to obtain from Raids |
Quincy Book | Potentially used to acquire the Quincy race (This is speculation) | Currently Unobtainable |
Royal Scarf | 1 Speed, 1 Reiatsu Regen | 5% chance to drop from Lvl 35+ Byakuya |
Spiral Horn | 1 Reiatsu | 5% chance to drop from Lvl 80+ Vasto Lorde |
Schwanz | 1 Speed | 5% chance to drop from Lvl 60+ Adjuchas |
Dreifachhorn | 3 Strength | 5% chance to drop from Lvl 60+ Adjuchas |
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Double Horn | 2 Strength | 10% chance to drop from Lvl 60+ Adjuchas |
Augenheilkunde | 1 Reiatsu, 1 Sword | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 25+ Kenpachi boss |
Fur Cape | 2 Resistance, 2 Reiatsu | Dropped from ??? |
Kendo Scroll | Used to learn Kendo Fighting Style from Musashi at the Crystal Cave | 10% chance to drop from Lvl 25+ Kenpachi boss |
Kido Scroll | Used to learn Kido Fighting Style from Kido Master | 10% chance to drop from Lvl 35+ Byakuya boss |
Long Beard | 1 Reiatsu, 1 Strength | 5% chance to drop from Lvl 45+ Yammoto boss |
Red Strap | 1 Strength, 1 Sword | Dropped from ??? |
Shadow Beast Fangs | 1 Schwert | 30% chance to obtain from Raids |
Spike Collar | 1 Schwert | Crafted from using Menos Nose |
Strohhut | 1 Reiatsu, 1 Sword | Dropped from ??? |
Urahara Cape | 1 Resistance, 1 Health Regen | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 15+ Urahara boss |
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Back Spikes | 1 Reiatsu | 10% chance to drop from Lvl 20+ Gillian |
Bandana | 1 Schwert | Dropped from ??? |
Gillian Cape | 1 Sword, 2 Resistance | 25% chance to drop from Mutan Gillian boss |
Gillian Nose Crown | 1 Reiatsu | Crafted from Gillian Nose |
Hollow Necklace | 1 Stärke | Obtained from using 5 Hollow Teeth |
Mask of Loki | 1 Stärke | 30% chance to obtain from Raids |
Soul Essence | Utilized to obtain different items (new slots, reiatsu color changes, mask changes, Shikai changes, skill tree resets, etc.) | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 15+ Urahara boss 25% chance to drop from Lvl 25+ Kenpachi boss 25% chance to drop from Lvl 45+ Yammoto boss |
Urahara Hat | 1 Rei Regen | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 15+ Urahara boss |
Elementname | Stats/What it does | Wie man bekommt |
Adjucha Claws | N / A | 50% chance to drop from Lvl 60+ Adjuchas |
Gillian Nose | Crafting Item | 50% chance to drop from Lvl 20+ Gillian |
Hollow Teeth | N / A | 50% chance to drop from any level Hollow |
Single Horn | 1 Stärke | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 60+ Adjuchas |
Vasto Lorde Horn | N / A | 50% chance to drop from Lvl 80+ Vasto Lorde |
Female Academy Student Fit | N / A | 25% chance to drop from Lvl 30+ Kidi Students |
Green Kimono | N / A | 10% chance to drop from Lvl 15+ Urahara boss |
Half Sleeve Shinigami Fit | N / A | Purchased for 500 Money from Urahara Shop |
Male Academy Student Fit | N / A | 25% chance to drop from LVl 30+ Hakuda Students |
Open Sides Shinigami Fit | N / A | Purchased for 500 Money from Urahara Shop |
Sleeveless Shinigami Fit | N / A | Purchased for 500 Money from Urahara Shop |
If you want to know more about Hollow Era, check out our Hollow Era Private Server Codes on Pro Game Guides.