Fragpunk-это шутер от первого лица 5V5, который расширяется на формуле популярных игр, таких как Valorant и CS2, добавляя несколько новых элементов, таких как карты Shard, которые могут изменить динамику боевых действий. Like these other tactical shooters, FagPunk has a rank mode where players compete against similar skilled opponents to climb up the leaderboard.
In the game mode selection menu, you'll see that FragPunk Ranked unlocks when you reach level 30 on your account. To increase the player level, you need to play the other available game modes and earn XP. Don't confuse this with the daily and weekly challenges that only grant your Battle Pass XP. Instead you should be looking for Account Points (AP) , which I've shown in the picture above.
AP can be earned by simply playing various game modes like Shard Clash, Outbreak, Rocketers , and other Arcade modes. Хотя победа не очень важна, и проигрышная команда также получает AP после каждого матча, имея хорошую производительность и убийства, гарантируют, что вы получите дополнительный XP. If you want to speed up the leveling up process by 50%, you can purchase the monthly membership for $10.
Очевидно, что Fragpunk имеет ранг от бронзы до панкмастера, а игроки сопоставлены с аналогичными квалифицированными противниками, то есть либо на том же ранении, либо уровне выше или ниже. The following list presents all the ranks in the game, starting with the beginner level and going to highest rank for seasoned players:
Initially, every player starts at the Bronze tier. They have to climb up the ranks by playing the game and winning matches while performing well . The points you receive for ranking up vary on higher ranks as the competition is stiff. It's best to play with a team that communicates well to reach the ultimate rank by the end of the season.
Interestingly, the ranks in FragPunk are split in two divisions: Regular (Bronze to Platinum) and Advanced (Diamond to Punkmaster). This unique rank system sets this game apart from other 5v5 shooters like Valorant.
In Rank Shard Clash Regular matches during the early four rank tiers, the gameplay is just like the casual mode where two teams of 5 players each compete to plant/defuse the bomb or eliminate every opposing player . Shard Cards play a crucial role in the game and can be chosen to receive temporary buffs, debuffs, or special effects to self or enemy team. Each match has 11 rounds and the first team to win 6 rounds wins . In case of a tie, a 1v1 duel is organized to determine the winner.
On the contrary, Rank Shard Clash Advanced incorporates all the aspects of the Regular mode, but the Shard Card selection process is altered . Each team gets to select a Card Captain who can ban one card each (two in total) from the deck of 8 Shard Cards before each round (see image above). If no vote is cast, a Card Captain is assigned randomly.
Thereafter, both team leaders select three cards each before the match starts. While the attackers get to pick the first card, the defenders are then allowed to pick two cards simultaneously, followed by two picks for the attackers and one pick for the defender. Even if you don't reach Diamond rank in FragPunk, you can still try out the Advanced Shard Clash in the casual mode but only after you've reached account level 30.
Here is the map pool for the Shard Clash Rank mode in FragPunk at launch:
For more on Fragpunk, check out Best Controller Settings for FragPunk on Pro Game Guides.