If you hear the call of the mines, then Subterra is the game for you. Para aprender a coletar os melhores recursos, derrotar as mobs (agitando minha mão nesses esqueletos de bombas) e criar ferramentas úteis, você deve conferir o Subterra Trello e o Discord Server.
No Conselho Subterra Trello, você pode encontrar todas as informações mais úteis para progredir no jogo e se aprofundar na mina (de Moria). You'll find all crafting recipes as well as where to find the resources to make items, information on enemies, weapons and much more.
You'll immediately see that the Subterra Trello board is organized across columns. This is so that you can easily find any information you need across specific categories. For example, if you are looking for the Portal in the Darkstone Layer, you'll go to the Portals column. Then scroll until you can open the card for the Darkstone Portal.
If you aren't sure which category to look under, then you can just use CTRL + F and type what you are looking for. In the case that there is no info, you should wait until the Trello gets updated, which happens often for Roblox games. However, if you can't wait, you can go to the Subterra Discord to find the information.
The Subterra Discord is the perfect place to connect with other players in the community. Isso significa que você pode fazer perguntas, obter ajuda e até ajudar outras pessoas que precisam, ou você pode apenas conversar e fazer novos amigos que gostam de jogar jogos no estilo Minecraft. If you want to help out the developers, you can also share feedback, suggestions as well bug reports.
Just like any Discord server, Subterra has plenty of channels which you can go through. If you want to stay updated on the game, you'll check out the -game-announcements , -sneak-peaks , as well as the update-log channels.
To check if others have already asked what you need to know, you should first check the -frequently-asked-questions channel. If you can't find the answer, you can move over to the -general or -questions channels and chat with other players there.
For more on Roblox, Check out Verse Piece Trello and Discord Links – Roblox or Ninja Time Trello and Discord Links on Pro Game Guides.