Instead of Kuttenberg City, this side quest is picked up from Miskowitz in the Kuttenberg Region, which is to the west of the city. Hora de quebrar suas habilidades de ferraria para completar “Hush, My Darling”, em Reino Venha: Deliverance 2 .
Martha está na casa conectada à forja em Miskowitz, que fica na seção sudeste desta pequena vila. Head inside and speak with her, asking if she needs help with anything. She says that she needs somebody who knows their way around a smithy. Reply with “I'm a blacksmith! I'd be glad to help,” to pick up the side quest, “Hush, My Darling.”
If you haven't completed it yet, you can speak with the bailiff about Matthew, who's in the Dry Devil's group. The bailiff is standing next to Martha, so you can use that marker to find her, too.
You might already have the items for this quest on you. Você precisa de dois ferraduras de agricultores, que você poderia ter feito para nivelar sua ferraria mais cedo e segurou. Caso contrário, você precisa de dois pedaços de sucata e ir para a forja. Once you make the horseshoes, return to Martha.
Martha says the horseshoes need to go to Victoria, and you offer to deliver them to her to keep the quest going. Victoria lives in a house that's a bit to the south of the forge. Of course, she's not in her house, and you find blood there instead when you open the first door on the left.
Aproxime -se e inspecione o sangue quando o prompt surgir durante "Hush, My Darling" em Reino Come: Deliverance 2 . Then, go back to Martha and let her know what you found. Martha suggests going to Sigismund's camp to look for her.
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The camp is to the south of Opatowitz. If you're still looking for Matthew for the Dry Devil, you might find him on the path to the camp. Find the blacksmith in camp and ask him about Victoria. He remembers that a soldier who goes by the name Black took a liking to her. To find him, you have to go to the infirmary tent, as he's sick at this time.
Black wants medicine before helping you, so give him a Digestive Potion to cure his food poisoning. Se você não tiver um, então vai querer fazer um e voltar para dar a ele. You have to wait a couple of hours for the medicine to kick in before he'll answer your questions.
It turns out that he said some things to Victoria and thinks that she might've gone into the woods to the east. Você a encontra sentada em um toco bem no marcador de missões em seu mapa.
Victoria is upset, so speak with her about the situation. You can choose what you want for options in conversation, since they don't have consequences on any later events. However, if you made Black promise that he'd look after Victoria, you can relay that message to her, which gives her hope for the future.
That conversation completes “Hush, My Darling” in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 . From here, you can continue the main quests, or take more side quests like “In Vino Veritas.”
Reino vem: Deliverance 2is disponível agora no PlayStation, Xbox e PC.