O evento Dig It Space tem muito a oferecer, incluindo uma nova ilha, o foguete que leva para a lua, novos materiais e pás. Para ajudá -lo com a atualização, este guia ensinará como fazer um foguete para alcançar a lua, como coletar gosma alienígena e como obter as novas pás.
To go to the Moon, you have to go to the Launch Site island. It will be in front of the starter island, and you will easily spot it. Once you do, go there and talk to the NPC there to craft the Rocket and go to the moon.
Para fazer o foguete, você deve coletar os seguintes itens: 40 titânio, 10 combustível de foguete, 5 propulsores de foguete, 2 asas de foguete, 1 motor de foguete e 1 capacete de astronauta. Você pode obter tudo isso na ilha do local de lançamento cavando lá, o que demorará um pouco, por isso recomendo não desperdiçar suas preciosas iscas super raras e triturá -las.
Once you have all the materials ready, you can talk to the NPC on this same island and deposit all the components. After that, you will have the Rocket ready and pressing the Launch will show a beautiful animation and send you to the moon.
To get the Alien Goo, you have to find and kill green aliens on the moon. There will be a big flying alien saucer near the big alien space ships. The saucer will be spawning the green aliens. When you are there, the aliens will start chasing you.
Para pegar a gosma, pule em cima dos alienígenas para empurrá -los no chão e cavá -los para pegar a gosma. There will be some rocks nearby, and you should stand on top of those to bury the aliens on that. Isso garante que você não comece a cavar coisas aleatórias e apenas cavar os alienígenas para a gosma.
Now that you have the Alien Goo, you can use it to buy the new shovels or use it for the gacha box. The shovels will be in the middle of the island and the gacha box NPC will be standing nearby them. Here, talk to this NPC and buy the gacha box to get items it has to offer.
By buying the gacha box at the moon, you have the chance to get one of these nine artifacts.
There are three new shovels in the Dig It moon update and they are all available on sale at the moon. You can go over to them to purchase them for the following price.
For more guides on Dig It, check Dig It Codes here on Pro Game Guides.