The Wild West is a tough place to survive in, and it's even worse when there are supernatural creatures chasing you. Follow our Dead Rails beginner guide to prepare yourself for your first run and win, both in a team and solo.
Your goal is to keep moving in Dead Rails, but the question is how? The first and easiest way to power your train is to buy coal at the safe towns at the General Shop every 10k meters you cross. When starting off a run, make sure to use all the money you have to purchase coal.
However, when you are in a pinch, you should collect the dead bodies (even deader this time) of zombies. You can store them in your bag and bring them over to the train, popping them in the furnace.
Apart from the zombies, there are other items which you'll find in buildings that you can burn for fuel. They are usually labeled with fuel and a lot of these can be found in furniture stores:
The best protection for your train are Metal Sheets and Barbed Wire and you should focus these on the locomotive. However, if you don't have any yet, use any item that can be welded down . Chairs and wheels are a great way to block the path to the cab, while newspapers and wanted posters can protect the ladders in the back.
There are three ways you can heal in Dead Rails and two involve stopping at the Doctor's (shocking). Bandages are cheaper and can revive other players, but they won't heal you up to your max health. Snake Oil will heal you up to your max health overtime, but it's more expensive and can't revive others.
The final way to make sure you can heal right at the start is by choosing the Doctor Class . 당신은 두 개의 붕대, 2 개의 뱀 오일을 낳았으며, 붕대를 사용하지 않고 건강의 절반을 희생하여 팀원을 되 살릴 수도 있습니다.
You can farm money in the first safe town before you even set off on your journey. All you have to do is remain here for several nights while the turrets take out the enemies which spawn. This way you'll get both fuel in the form of zombies and money in the form of vampires and werewolves which you can sell.
Keep in mind that the turrets on the walls have limited ammo , so you can't remain here forever. You can apply this same tactic in the next town over, however.
Apart from this, the easiest way to get more money is to loot valuables . Better items can be found in burning towns as well as in the castles , the two most dangerous locations. Once you have a gun, you should also take on the bandits which are roaming the desert. Once you kill them, make sure to pick up their bodies so that you can get a bounty for them at the Sherriff's. Definitely also grab a horse if you can, since you need any movement speed boost you can get.
The best way to ensure you survive the night in Dead Rails is to get to one of the safe towns at every 10k meters and stay there until morning. This type of gameplay reminds me of 7 Days to Die, where many enemies spawn during the night and are running right at you. At the towns, the turrest will protect you .
그러나 밤에 밖에 갇히게 될 것이라면 기관차 에 자신을 숨기고 마차에서 길을 차단 해야하는 물건을 사용하십시오. If it's zombies that are attacking you, you can battle them, but vampires and werewolves are a little more tricky.
Keep in mind that enemies aren't the only danger to you, the weather is as well. 밤에는 번개 타격 에 부딪 칠 수 있으므로 안에 머물러 있거나 갑옷 보호 기능으로 수업을 선택하십시오 (사제).
At the start, the best weapon you can have is the Revolver . With cheapest Ammo, it will definitely do you good in battles with the bandits. Once you have enough money from collecting bounties on bandits, you can buy a better weapon like the Rifle or the Turret .
The good old Shovel is also a great weapon when there aren't many enemies around, especially if they are inside the building. Zombies will glitch through the walls trying to get to you, so you can kill them by hitting their hands.
If you've been in the lobby of Dead Rails then you've most definitely wondered how to get bonds . Since this currency can be used to purchase various equipment as well as classes at the lobby, it's important to know where you can find it.
The best way to farm bonds is to break into the bank vaults in burning towns or find them in the castle . Both of these POIs are dangerous, so you should have at least the Revolver before exploring them. Having at least one other player in your team is a big plus as well (the more of you, the more loot you can carry).
To open the bank vault , you need one of two things. You can either purchase dynamite at the General store and blow the vault open, or you can find the combination . It is on a piece of paper carried around by a zombie in a top hat. Once you kill it, grab the combination and run over to the vault to open it.
If you're doing a solo run, I suggest Ironclad or The Alamo . 이들은 모두 방어 수업이며, 첫 번째는 갑옷으로 당신을 보호하는 반면, 두 번째는 금속 시트와 철조망으로 기차를 보호합니다. If you are in a team and already have others on Ironclad, then I suggest picking the Doctor .
이 계급은 두 개의 붕대 (다른 사람들을 부활시키는 데 사용할 수 있음), 뱀 오일 (자신을 완전히 치유하기 위해)으로 생성되며 건강의 절반을 희생하여 팀원을 부활시킬 수 있습니다.
If you want to make sure you have great equipment, wait out a couple of nights at the first town. Once it's daylight again, collect the corpses that the turrets killed. You'll either be able to sell them (vampires and werewolves), or you can use them as fuel (zombies).
With the money farming strat , you should have enough to stock up on coal as well as get a weapon before you're even set wheel into the desert. If you can handle the beginning battles with a shovel, then I suggest saving your money to purchase the Rifle .
당신이 스스로 탐색하는 경우, 당신은 당신의 기차를 오가는 것을 통해 일광의 대부분을 낭비하기 때문에 가능한 빨리 말을 얻는 것이 좋습니다. A good class for solo is either Ironclad or The Alamo, though I suggest the first one more, since you can use various junk to protect the train.
Keep repeating the town strat while exploring the buildings. You should attempt to explore a burning town , if for nothing else than to check if there is a bank to open up and get bonds.
If you are interested in more about Dead Rails, you can check out All Items in Dead Rails and How to get them here on Pro Game Guides.