Sementara Split Fiction adalah petualangan koperasi yang cukup mudah dan linier, ada banyak peluang untuk keluar dari jalur yang dipukuli dan terlibat dalam apa yang disebut permainan sebagai cerita sampingan. While these are often inessential, they contain some of the game's best moments, so here's how to find them.
How To Find All Side Stories in Split Fiction
Within Chapters 2 through 5, you'll find a total of 12 different Side Stories. Ada tiga yang terletak di setiap bab, dan sementara mereka secara teknis opsional, mereka berisi beberapa momen terbaik permainan, seperti urutan di mana Anda dan pasangan Anda menjadi babi atau di mana Anda berdua bersaing dalam pertunjukan game yang mematikan. Ada pencapaian yang terikat untuk menemukan dan menyelesaikan semua 12 cerita sampingan ini, jadi jika Anda ingin mengalami semua yang ditawarkan permainan, inilah cara menemukan setiap yang terakhir.
- Legend of the Sandfish - Kisah sisi pertama fiksi split ditemui secara alami di Bab 2 setelah menyelesaikan bagian pertama, jam sibuk. There's no way to miss it.
- Farmlife – This Side Story can be found in Chapter 2 in the Streets of Neon section. It's found after hopping over a small barrier and before taking the elevators on the left.
- Mountain Hike – The last Side Story in Chapter 2 is found in the Big City Life section. Once you reach the Port-A-Pottys, make Mio hop in one, then use Zoe to throw her over to a ledge opposite them with a small ladder. Have Mio drop the ladder, then you should be able to access it.
- Train Heist – The first Side Story in Chapter 3 is in the Lord Evergreen section. While navigating the water with a plank of wood, the Side Story can be found on a ledge that Mio and Zoe will have to wall run to reach.
- Gameshow -Di bagian Stands of Doom di Bab 3, Anda akan menemukan cerita samping pada platform setelah bagian gulungan samping yang Anda harus menyelesaikan beberapa platform kecil untuk dijangkau.
- Collapsing Star – The final Side Story in Chapter 3 can be found in the Halls of Ice section as you're making your way through the palace. It should be impossible to miss since it's on the main path.
- Kites – The first Side Story found in Chapter 4 is in the Toxic Tumblers section. You'll find it at the end of the long tube.
Related: All Split Fiction Chapters & How Long To Beat
- Pasar Bulan - Di bagian ruang uji Bab 4, setelah Anda membuka pintu setelah urutan derek, Anda harus melihatnya di langkan di sebelah kiri yang dapat Anda capai setelah sedikit platform.
- Notebook – This Side Story is the last one in Chapter 4 and is found in the Soaring Desperados section. Once you get the jetpack, avoid the giant wheel as you hover over to it. It should be on the left-hand side of the room.
- Slopes of War – The first Side Story of Chapter 5 is located in the Water Temple section. To reach this one, after you hatch your dragons, you'll see a lever puzzle on the left after going across the golden balls. Solve it to unlock the Side Story.
- Space Escape - Kisah sampingan kedua dari belakang dapat ditemukan di bagian Kuil Kerajinan Bab 5. Setelah mengalahkan Naga, Anda harus meluncurkan Mio ke langkan menggunakan Gulungan Glide dan Zoe -nya, kemudian mintalah Mio menjatuhkan kolom untuk Zoe untuk memanjat.
- Birthday Cake – The finale Side Story of Split Fiction is in Chapter 5's Treasure Temple section. Simply complete the soul puzzle and it should be on your left.
Once you've beaten all 12 Side Stories, you should automatically unlock the Bookworms achievement in Split Fiction .
Split Fictionis sekarang tersedia di PS5, Xbox Series X/S, dan PC.