Vous voulez donc embrasser votre obscurité intérieure dans l'univers de l'eau de Javel et gravir les rangs de l'ère creux. Nous allons passer en revue chaque étape, depuis vos premiers moments en tant que creux modeste jusqu'à devenir un puissant Arrancar ou Vasto Lorde, ou même se transcender davantage pour devenir un Espada. Here's everything you must do to become a Hollow and beyond in Hollow Era.
After the dying animation plays in the intro of Hollow Era, you'll become a Lost Soul with a chain appearing on your chest. Now, you have two choices, you can actively rip your chain out by holding down K three times. Or you can just wait, as every two minutes, a segment of that chain will break. Once all three segments of the chain break completely, you'll transform into a Hollow.
You can become a Soul Reaper if you do choose, which involves pressing J and finding the only quest available near you and accepting it. Mais n'oubliez pas de faire attention après avoir pris le contrôle, comme si vous vouliez devenir un shinigami, et pas un creux, ne pas aller AFK comme si vous reveniez après six minutes, vous serez devenu un creux!
Once the chain is gone, whatever method you chose, you're now a Hollow, or a "Fishbone" as they're officially titled. These are the weakest Hollows , but don't worry, you'll get stronger. Your goal is to reach level 15 to evolve into a Gillian. To get experience and level up, you can either kill players or consume other Hollows by first beating them up.
Once you hit level 10, you can open a Garganta (a portal) to Hueco Mundo. This is a great place to find more Hollows, making it easier to level up.
At level 15 you'll evolve into a Gillian, and as a Gillian, your main objective is to gain Race Progression points. You get these points by killing Hollows or interacting with Hollow Pillars. So, pretty much just go around fighting everything you see, and finding Hollow Pillars in Hueco Mundo.
Once you've earned enough Race Progression points, you'll be sent to your inner world. Here, you'll have to fight and defeat five other Hollows. Don't worry if you die, you can try again.
The Hollows in your inner world will get stronger each time, and you need to complete this challenge three times to evolve.
Once you've completed your inner challenge three times, you'll become an Adjucha, and this is where things start to get interesting. So an Adjucha, you have two evolution trees you can go down. You can either become an Arrancar or a Vasto Lorde .
Quoi qu'il en soit, vous continuerez à gagner des points de progression de race en tuant ou en mangeant des creux et en collectant des éléments de progression adjucha spéciaux , mais ceux-ci ne sont nécessaires que si vous souhaitez devenir un vaso Lorde et non un Arrancar.
Here's how many points you get per kill:
Keep in mind that dying will make you lose 1% of your points , so be careful!
To become an Arrancar, you need to remain an Adjucha , this means not evolving into a Vasto Lorde. Instead, in Hueco Mundo, keep an eye out for Crystal Bushes that spawn in Hueco Mundo every 30-60 minutes. Interact with a Crystal Bush as an Adjucha , and you'll become an Arrancar.
Si vous souhaitez devenir l'évolution la plus élevée d'un creux à part une Espada à l'ère creux, le Vasto Lorde, alors il y a deux choses sur lesquelles vous devez vous concentrer. You need to accumulate 800 Race Progression points and collect eight Adjucha Progression items.
Adjucha Progression items only appear once you become an Adjucha, and you can get them from killing certain types of Hollows.
Killing other Hollows as an Adjucha has a chance to drop equippable items , that are needed to evolve into a Vasto Lorde. Here's what you can get and their drop chances:
Pour ceux qui veulent vous fixer encore plus haut qu'un Vasto Lorde, vous n'avez qu'une seule option à votre disposition, et c'est de devenir ESPADA.
To become an Espada, you first need to evolve into a Vasto Lorde , the final Hollow evolution. Then, like Arrancar, look for Crystal Bushes that spawn in Hueco Mundo every 30-60 minutes. Interact with a Crystal Bush as a Vasto Lorde to become an Espada .
So now that you are either an Arrancar, or an Espada, it is time to learn your Resurrección. To get your Resurrección, reach level 50 and talk to the King of Hueco Mundo in Las Noches. He'll give you a quest to kill 50 Arrancar .
Once complete, you will get a random Resurrección out of the four currently available in the release build of Hollow Era:
To use your Resurrección in Hollow Era, you need to build up your Rage Bar by taking or dealing damage. Once the Rage Bar is full and pulsating , press "Y" to activate your Resurrección.
Your Resurrección will automatically deactivate if you run out of reiatsu or rage. You can also manually deactivate it by holding down the "Y" key.
If you want to know more about Hollow Era, check out our Official Hollow Era Trello Link & Discord on Pro Game Guides.