La lista de nivel de nivel de hechizos West Wizard West
Autor: AnónimoFecha de actualización: March 19, 2025
Si eres fanático de Harry Potter , ¡prepárate para el juego Wizard West Roblox! El juego atrae mucha química y nombres de Potterverse : luchas contra bandas de chicos malos con poderosos hechizos y recolectan oro, pergaminos y otras golosinas para comprar varitas poderosas y otros equipos útiles.
Ahora, dado que solo puedes llevar una pequeña cantidad de hechizos en cualquier momento, hicimos esta pequeña guía para ayudarte a seleccionar los mejores hechizos mágicos con la ayuda de nuestra lista de nivel de nivel de hechizos de Wizard West .
Tabla de contenido
Wizard West Spells Tier List Explained
S-Tier Wizard West Spells
A-Tier Wizard West Spells
B-Tier Wizard West Spells
C-Tier Wizard West Spells
D-Tier Wizard West Spells
How do you get spells in the Wizard West Roblox game?
Wizard West Spells Tier List Explained
Nuestra lista de niveles Wizard West Spells involucra escenarios PVE y PVP , por lo que es posible que la lista sea completamente diferente para estilos de juego exclusivamente PVE o PVP. Además, recuerde que utilizamos mecánicas y estrategias de juego universalmente aceptadas, haciendo que nuestra lista de niveles sea aplicable en la mayoría, pero no en todas, situaciones en el juego. Veamos nuestra lista de nivel de hechizos West Spells de Wizard West y ver qué hechizos tienen un valor alto universalmente y cuáles no.
Imagen por escapista
S-Tier Wizard West Spells
Abra Kedabra : By far the most deadly spell out there, capable of eliminating foes in a single stroke. Equally efficient and lethal in PvP encounters, though the rip-off name of the spell is borderline cringy.
Tempestia Incarnata : An AoE spell with massive damage output. It can track multiple foes and inflict serious combined damage amounts.
LASSO : Esto puede parecer contradictorio, pero a pesar de sus humildes orígenes como uno de los primeros hechizos, el laso es increíblemente efectivo incluso en niveles más altos. The Lasso spell can immobilize opponents, granting you a chance for an instant kill. Some deem it broken in PvP scenarios.
Imperum : A control spell that temporarily turns one of your enemies into an ally. Quite handy when facing many powerful enemies.
Morsmortem : When things get tough, use Morsmortem to summon three Shadow Wizards to fight alongside you. Like many S-Tier spells, it has a long cooldown, but it is totally worth it due to its usability against many strong foes.
A-Tier Wizard West Spells
Apparate: A neat little teleport. It will teleport you to any map spot you want, and it comes free of cost. One of the best utility spells in the game.
Bombarda: There's nothing more satisfying than dropping a mighty bomb on a multitude of enemies. Aiming can be tricky at first, but one big bomb followed by a string of smaller explosions is totally worth it.
Frigidus: Evokes a big vortex, immobilizing enemies by freezing them up. Highly popular due to the big area of effect, long duration, short cooldown period, and effectiveness both in PvP and PvE.
Glacilancia: Creates several ice spikes, tracking the target albeit with horrendous accuracy. Highly usable against isolated foes and terrible versus mobs.
Protego: If you opt for a PvP experience, this is a highly usable spell defensive-wise. It creates a long-lasting barrier, blocking incoming spells with a somewhat short cooldown.
Oceanus Vortico: By conjuring waves, you can trap multiple enemies in bubbles, serving as an excellent crowd control. With foes trapped in bubbles, you can either cut them down or resolve cooldown regeneration. Works well both for PvP and PvE.
Vocare Enarma: This is what Voldemort should have done right from the beginning: summon a rifle and aim at targets with explosive bullets. The spell combines brutal damage, long range, and high projectile speed, but aiming mastery can be tricky.
Vocare Machinam: A machinegun similar to Vocare Enarma. It also provides good damage output, rate of fire, and projectile speed. Unfortunately, it requires good aiming skills as well.
B-Tier Wizard West Spells
Aquarcia: A decent, early-on spell with low damage and enemy entrapment. Not the best control spell in the game, but it's still worth your time due to its relatively speedy cooldown.
Diffindo: This is a cheap-to-unlock spell that fires a horizontal piercing bolt capable of hitting many enemies at once. Por el lado positivo, es un arma de tiempo de reutilización corto que es efectivo a largo plazo, pero en el lado negativo, requiere habilidades de fijación en nombre de los jugadores.
Electricus: si un área de efecto más pequeña y un mayor daño no te molesta, este pequeño perno de iluminación es excelente para enemigos de trapo y causar daño instantáneo.
Episkio Magna: The best healing spell available, replenishing hit points to you and your close-by allies. The only downside is that it takes place for much-needed damage-dealing spells.
Glacius: crea un pequeño perno de seguimiento, infligiendo el efecto "frío" y desacelerando a los enemigos. Apart from the minuscule damage output, everything else is in the order: fast cooldown, auto-tracking, and hampering movement.
Ignisio: Due to the very short range and somewhat decent AoE damage, this is a tier B spell. However, this cone-shaped burst of flame from a wand is quite useful against enemy groups.
Ignisium: Algunos lo llaman "una bomba menor", pero esta increíble bola de fuego sigue siendo una elección viable incluso con un daño mediocre gracias a la impresionante área de efecto. Also, the spell puts on fire those unfortunate enemies caught in a big radius.
Inlisus: We put this spell into the B Tier for its low damage output and difficult targeting. Sin embargo, una vez que logres golpear en los enemigos con precisión, encontrarás que el rayo del cielo, impresionantes enemigos cercanos con un AOE sólido, es relativamente útil a largo plazo.
C-Tier Wizard West Spells
EPISKIO: Aunque este puede ser un hechizo de autocuración utilizable, en la mayoría de los casos, terminarás omitiendo este hechizo a favor de un poder de consumo de daño eficiente porque carece de curación de objetivos múltiples.
Episkios: Firing a bolt that moderately heals the target can be fun, but not as much as destroying enemies or healing all of your allies. It's a highly situational spell.
Expulso: This spell can work just fine in a PvP scenario since disarming your opponents is quite hindering. With that in mind, stuns are far more effective against other players, and Expulso is a waste of time in a PvE situation.
Haste: If the spell duration was a lot longer, this could easily be an A-Tier spell. Sin embargo, aumentar su velocidad y movimiento de lanzamiento durante tan poco tiempo es demasiado derrochador, y probablemente terminará con algunos hechizos de tráfico de daños.
Ignis: Just skip this spell. It's a small AoE, low-damage, complicated-to-aim spell that's terrible for PvP. Justifiable only on low-tier adventures.
Stupendo: una habilidad de lazo combinada con el tornillo de aturdimiento de la pista automática suena increíble, pero la corta duración y la aplicabilidad en los enemigos de bajo HP hacen que este hechizo sea un nivel C.
Vocaralea: Summons an armor that's highly valuable in a PvP scenario, but due to its low-value PvE engagement, you will use Protego more often.
Vocare Halberda: With a longer range, more attacks, and higher damage, this knock-back, rag-dolling Halberd weapon would be devastating. Sadly, in this incarnation, it's only a C-Tier spell.
D-Tier Wizard West Spells
Bolt: You cast small bolts that track the target, inflicting solid damage with a short cooldown. Its low level and long channel time make this spell not particularly attractive.
Lumo: Do you remember when Gandalf deployed his illuminating staff in the Mines of Moria? Well, this is it, only far less usable and spectacular. Practically useles.
Matrificius: A bunch of sparks emerge from the tip of your wand, stunning nearby enemies for a short time. The extremely low range and damage, in addition to more effective stun spells, puts this spell into the D-Tier.
Revelio: Imaginamos que este hechizo sería excelente en un juego de Pen and Paper de AD&D, pero revelar objetos y criaturas cerca de ti tiene el efecto contrario en el juego Wizard West Roblox. Ignore this spell.
Vocare Pickaxe: This spell is in the D-Tier because it's a tool used for farming resources, not for hurting enemies. Since this tier list revolves around combat, we had no other choice but to put it in the D-Tier.
How do you get spells in the Wizard West Roblox game?
Right off the bat, every caster in the Wizad West game will get three starting spells: Apparo, Ignis, and Stupendo . Since you're gonna need a lot more firepower than this, go to the Town Square and enter Edwin's Shop . Once there, you can use the acquired gold to buy mighty spells and fancy wardrobe.
This concludes our ultimate Wizard West spells tier list. Before you leave, make sure to make the best out of our Wizard West codes since they offer a much-needed boost right from the get-go .