Hay seis clases diferentes para elegir para tu personaje en Rune Slayer. The class you choose determines the kind of skills you can use, along wth your character's progression. But, to get the most value out of your class, you need to use the optimal build for it. So, to help you with that, here's a complete best build guide for every class in Rune Slayer.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Duende |
Subclass | Tirador de primera |
Arma | Vermillion (Legendary, dropped from Amphitheres) |
Armadura | Elder Mask, Elder Chest, Rate Cape, Ring of Vitality, Elder Boots |
Runa | Gralthar, Wolf, Goblin, Panther |
The Archer is one of the most popular classes, complete based on ranged attacks and its high agility, making your character quite nimble. Hay un inconveniente de que tu personaje sea bastante blando, pero los atributos sigilosos junto con la construcción anterior convierte a tu personaje en un canon de vidrio indetectable.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Orco |
Subclass | Clérigo |
Arma | Armageddon (Legendary, dropped from Imps and Fiends) |
Armadura | Slime Crown, Lilylead Robes, Arachnid Pants, Ectoplasm Cloak, Philosopher's Ring |
Runa | Slime, Spider Queen, Rat, Banshee |
Unlike the Archer, the Priest is a class that's all about sustainability and survivability. The above build is ideal for bolstering your character's HP as well as regen abilities to their maximum potential . With this build, you'll be well off in both team fights, as well as in solo situations.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Ailuran or Elf |
Subclass | Ninja |
Arma | Double Ragnarok (Legendary, dropped from Serpents and Basiliks) |
Armadura | Elder Mask, Elder Chest, Rate Cape, Ring of Vitality, Elder Boots |
Runa | Basilisk, Contractor, Panther, Goblin |
The Thief class, similar to the Archer, relies heavily on stealth and high burst damage. Si bien puede ser bastante difícil nivelarlo a Max, con la construcción anterior, tendrás un momento mucho más fácil, especialmente en el juego final para destrozar a los jefes y turbas por igual.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Dullahan or Elf |
Subclass | Brujo |
Arma | Armageddon (Legendary, dropped from Imps and Fiends) |
Armadura | Lilyleaf Hat, Lilyleaf Robe, Lilyleaf Pants, Philosopher's Ring |
Runa | Elder Treant, Mandrake King, Lycanthar |
The Magician, or Mage class in Rune Slayer is another ranged damage dealer class, but instead of physical, it relies on magical damage. The above build maximizes the Magician's core stats and Magic power , while also providing much needed sustainability for the mid to end game.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Limo |
Subclass | Asura |
Arma | Viridian (Legendary, dropped by Goblins) |
Armadura | Hodor's War Helmet, War Troll's Chestplate, War Troll's Boots, Champion's Cape, Troll's Stone Column, Warrior's Sash |
Runa | Ancient Demon, Drogar, Lycanthar, Slime King |
Striker is a melee class, which relies on close combat rather than ranged combat. It is more focused on burst damage than survivability, and has a lot more damage-oriented skills than tanky ones like the Warrior. The above build pushes this class's DPS capabilities to the maximum by using the best weapons and runes.
Construir | Best Choice |
Carrera | Human or Slime |
Subclass | Berserker |
Arma | Edgewing (Legendary, dropped by Drogar) |
Armadura | Hodor's War Helmet, War Troll's Chestplate, War Troll's Boots, Champion's Cape, Warrior's Sash |
Runa | Ancient Demon, Drogar, Dire Bear |
La clase de guerreros, aunque no es tan potente como las otras clases, es una clase por excelencia en cualquier incursión o pelea de jefes debido a su supervivencia y sostenibilidad, al tiempo que también repara el daño. The above build is ideal for keeping your character bulked while also hitting hard for solo PvE situations.
Para obtener más información sobre Rune Slayer Roblox, consulte la mejor granja de oro en Rune Slayer - Guía de agricultura o Guía de juego final completa para Rune Slayer en Pro Game Guides.