Having livestock is a good way to make money, but it gets annoying when you have to pet them daily. One way to avoid this issue is by adding an auto-petter to your Fields of Mistria farm.
Unfortunately, Fields of Mistria has not included an auto-petter device in the game. This means that if you're playing the vanilla or base version, you must pet your livestock every day. However, there is another way to get an auto-petter—but you'll need to use mods.
I suggest using the Animal Friends mod by annanomoly on Nexus Mods. This mod not only allows you to auto-pet your livestock daily but also feeds your animals. Note that if you want to install it, you must also use the Mods of Mistria Installer. This is a required supporting program, and if you skip this step, the mod won't activate.
To install the mod, you need to follow this step:
The Animal Friends mod has various features that you can activate. Besides the auto-petter, you can enable the auto-feeder, friendship multiplier, and prevent friendship loss. Der Freundschaftsmultiplikator erhöht die Anzahl der Herzen, die Ihre Tiere haben, während die Merkmale der Verhinderung der Freundschaftsverlust sicherstellt, dass gewonnene Herzen nicht verschwinden.
If you want to adjust the settings, look for the AnimalFriends.json file. It should be located within the unzipped Animal Friends mod folder. Open it, and you'll see a simple text document. To activate a feature, change the word “false” to “true.”
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For instance, if you want to enable the auto-petter in Fields of Mistria , you just need to modify it like this: [“auto-feed”: true]. The same can be said if you want to disable a feature. Just open the json file again and change the word true to false.
The friendship multiplier feature is a bit trickier. Instead of using “true” and “false,” you need to input a number. You can set the multiplier between 1 and 100. If you want to skip bonding with your animals, set it to the maximum number. To revert back, simply set it to 1 to disable the feature.
Do note that when you first install this mod, it will have some default settings. For one, the auto-pet and auto-feed functions won't be automatically active. However, it does multiply the number of heart points you get from each petting by five. It also automatically activates the prevent friendship loss feature.
If you want to remove the mod, you can't just delete the mod folder. I recommend opening the Mods of Mistria Installer and uninstalling it through the proper method. This should help avoid any corruption or errors in your save file.
That's everything you need to know about getting an auto-petter in Fields of Mistria . Remember to back up your save file before installing this mod. It should be pretty stable, but it's always good to have a backup.
Fields of Mistria is available to play on PC.