Größte Veränderungen und Ergänzungen zur Bleasdale -Bauernhaus -Überarbeitung von Phasophobie
Autor: AnonymAktualisierungsdatum: March 16, 2025
It's tough for developers to keep things fresh these days, but Kinetic Games is doing its best to ensure 2025 is a great year for Phasmophobia . It all starts with the Bleasedale Farmhouse rework, which is now live. Here are the biggest changes and additions to Phasmophobia 's Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework
All Additions in the Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework in Phasmophobia
One of the earliest Phasmophobia maps, Bleasedale Farmhouse receives a massive upgrade in the game's latest update. However, plenty of new things are coming to the game, including a few additions that affect lights and those pesky ghosts. Hier ist die vollständige Liste:
Bleasdale Farmhouse: Bleasdale Farmhouse wurde vollständig mit einem neuen Layout, neuen visuellen Assets, neuen Umweltmerkmalen und vielem mehr überarbeitet. Several examples of these are:
Motion Sensing exterior lights that can be triggered by both players and ghosts.
A bead string door that will move when walked through by either the player or the ghost.
Something small and frightening, scuttling about the house…
Plenty of new ghost interactables!
Ghosts can now light any non-equipment fire sources such as fireplaces, campfires and candles.
Some lights can now be turned toggled with multiple switches.
Note:currently Bleasdale only, but these will be added to other locations over time
All Changes in the Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework in Phasmophobia
Während alle Ergänzungen zu Phasophiba die Überschriften dominieren, gibt es eine anständige Anzahl von Änderungen, mit denen sich die Spieler selbst vertraut machen sollten, einschließlich einiger, die sich um die Kartenklassifizierung drehen. Hier ist die vollständige Liste:
Bleasdale Farmhouse is now classed as a medium map due to its rework.
Point Hope is now classed as a medium map.
Pianos found in maps now have new interaction sounds for players and ghosts.
“Get a ghost to blow out a firelight” objective now only counts for player equipment (Firelight T1, T2, T3)
Paintings now fall down more realistically.
Implemented performance improvements across all maps.
Related: All Cursed Objects (Possessions) in Phasmophobia & How They Work
All Fixes in the Bleasdale Farmhouse Rework in Phasmophobia
As great as it is to play Phasmophobia , it runs into its fair share of problems. Thankfully, Kinetic Games is always keeping its ear to the ground, looking out for errors that are frustrating players. Here's everything that was fixed during the Phasmophobia Bleasdale Farmhouse rework:
All Platforms:
Fixed an issue causing white blocks to appear on screen when loading into a contract in multiplayer.
Fixed several Spanish questions when using voice recognition with the Oujia Board
Fixed several location issues that would cause the player to get stuck.
Fixed an issue that would cause Xbox players to get stuck on the initialisation screen if no account profile picture had been set.
And those are the biggest changes and additions to Phasmophobia 's Bleasdale Farmhouse rework. Wenn Sie mehr suchen, finden Sie hier die vollständige Roadmap von 2025 für den Titel Kinetic Games, einschließlich Informationen zu allen bevorstehenden saisonalen Ereignissen und mit Spannung erwarteten Kartenänderungen.
Phasmophobie ist ab sofort auf PlayStation, Xbox und PC erhältlich.