Eines der aufregendsten Dinge am letzten Stand der Anime ist die Fähigkeit, die Buffs des Geräts anzupassen und sie einzigartig für Ihren Spielstil zu machen. This Anime Last Stand Techniques tier list will help you choose the best one.
Anime Last Stand Techniques Guide & Tier List
Techniques in Anime Last Stand are bonuses for each unit (tower) you can get before the battle. You must visit Technique Guy in the town center to learn the best techniques. As this is a gacha game, you must use Technique Shards to get the best ones. Below, you'll find the list of all Anime Last Stand Techniques, ranked from the best to least good (bad?). For more help, check out the Anime Last Stand trading value list.
Stufe | Technik |
S | All-Seeing, Avatar, Diamond, Overlord, Shinigami, Glitched |
A | Cosmic, Demi-God, Eagle Eye, Entrepreneur, Elemental Master, Hyper Speed, Juggernaut, Vulture |
B | Accelerate Avatar, Scoped, Golden |
C | Shining, Sturdy |
- Alle Sehen: Diese Technik verfügt über eine Reihe von Buffs wie eine erhöhte Schadensrate und eine erhebliche Verbesserung der Reichweite, was sie zu einer der besten Techniken des Spiels macht.
- Avatar: Avatar ist eine himmlische Technik und gewährt Vorteile wie hohe Schäden an das ausgestattete Gerät, sodass Sie härtere Feinde auf höheren Ebenen schlagen können. The best part is that it isn't exclusive to a single unit, meaning it can be paired with multiple Anime Last Stand characters.
- Diamond: With a drop rate of 1.75%, Diamond provides two crucial buffs: a 5% increase in damage and a 20% increase in money. Obwohl es nicht gut für diejenigen mit einem aggressiven Spielstil ist, empfehle ich dringend, Diamond auszurüsten, wenn Sie auf der Mission sind, Geld im Spiel zu leisten.
- Overlord: Overlord liefert eine Schadenserhöhung von +425% für das Gerät, auf das es angewendet wird, wodurch es zum zweithöchsten Schadensschaden einer beliebigen Technik im Spiel ist. The top spot is still held by Avatar.
- Shinigami: Unlike some other high-tier techniques, Shinigami is not limited to a single unit. On top of that, its drop rate is slightly higher than that of other celestial units, making it an attractive option in Anime Last Stand.
- Glitched: The Glitched Technique also belongs to the Celestial Rarity category and its drop rate sits at just 0.03% per attempt. For the frontline units, Glitched is a great option due to the high damage output.
- Cosmic: It's one of the most balanced mythic techniques of Anime Last Stand as it offers a decent combination of Damage, Range, and Spa buffs. You will be also glad to know that its drop rate is higher than that of other celestial units which means you can easily obtain it in the game.
- Demi-GOD: Während Demi-GOD Kosmisch ähnliche Buffs bietet, beinhaltet es keine Reichweite, die sich stattdessen darauf konzentriert, einen geringfügig größeren Schaden zu liefern.
- Eagle Eye: Eagle Eye as the name suggests is designed to provide a significant range increase to your units. If you want your characters to tackle enemies from a distance, Eagle Eye is a great option for you.
- Entrepreneur: In Anime Last Stand, money is everything, so the Entrepreneur technique is a game-changer, increasing your earning rate by 45%. Yet, it's tough to get, with only a 0.3% drop rate.
- Elemental Master: Being a legendary unit, the Elemental Master excels during aggressive fights due to its 0.75x Damage Over Time (DOT) boost. Furthermore, with a 2.5x multiplier on DOT duration, the unit can sustain damage over an extended time.
- Hyper Speed: Hyper Speed is widely recognized for its rapid attacks, as it reduces the unit's SPA by 12.5%. Ein niedrigeres Spa bedeutet, dass eine Einheit häufiger angreifen kann, was ihre Wirksamkeit im Kampf erheblich verbessern kann, insbesondere gegen Wellen von Feinden.
- Juggernaut: Offering a powerful mix of Damage and Speed Per Attack buffs, Juggernaut is a great legendary technique. But with just a 3% drop rate, it's not easy to get your hands on.
- Vulture: Similar to Eagle Eye, Vulture enables your units to tackle enemies from long distances. The technique also grants a buff to the Crit Damage stat, which makes the character even more powerful during battles.
- Accelerated Avatar: Accelerated Avatar is a typical example of a rare technique that's easy to obtain. While it's a useful option for newcomers, its value declines as you progress due to its less impressive stats.
- Scoped: With three different variants, Scoped primarily boosts the range stat. Die Nützlichkeit beschränkt sich jedoch auf bestimmte Bedingungen, und ich empfehle, sie in den meisten Fällen zu vermeiden, da der minderwertige Schadensausgang Sie für Feinde anfällig machen kann.
- GOLDEN: Es ist eine solide Alternative zum Unternehmer, aber Sie positionieren die Einheit hinter Charakteren mit hoher Schadensleistung, um ihre Langlebigkeit zu gewährleisten.
- Shining: Eine anständige Technik zum Wachstum Ihres Bankguthabens.
- Sturdy: Offering a damage boost for your units, Sturdy has three variants just like Scoped. Nonetheless, it often proves unreliable during battles because its damage increase is insufficient for dealing with enemies in higher waves.
All Celestial Anime Last Stand Techniques and Their Effects
Below are all the Celestial techniques available in the Anime Last Stand (ALS):
Technik | Statistiken |
All Seeing (0.35%) | Damage +25% Range +50% Crit Damage +100% Crit Chance +25% |
Unternehmer (0.3%) | Damage +25% Range +5% SPA -10% Money gain +45% |
Shinigami (0.2%) | Damage +75% Range +30% SPA -15% Crit Damage +25% Crit Chance +10% |
Overlord (0.2%) | Damage +425% Range +20% SPA -15% Crit Damage +25% Crit Chance +15% One placement |
Avatar (0.1%) | Damage +550% Range +30% SPA -15% Crit Damage +25% Crit Chance +15% One placement |
Glitched (0.03%) | Damage +750% Range +35% SPA -15% Money Increase +60% Crit Damage +75% Crit Chance +15% One placement |
How to reroll techniques in Anime Last Stand

To reroll Techniques in Anime Last Stand, you must first get Tecnique Shards . The easiest way to obtain them is via Anime Last Stand codes, but it's also possible by completing quests. You can, of course, always buy them for Robux. Follow the instructions below on how to reroll in Anime Last Stand. Warning: Units will lose assigned Techniques if you fuse them with other units (level them up).
- Head to Techniques Guy to open the Techniques reroll popup.
- Click on the left square to select the unit you wish to give Technique.
- Click the Reroll button.
- If you're unsatisfied, continue the process, but remember that not all Techniques have the same drop rate.
For more on Roblox ALS, check out How to evolve Itachi in Anime Last Stand on Pro Game guides.