Wie ein Drache: Pirat Yakuza in Hawaii mag das dummste Spiel in der Like a Dragon -Serie sein, aber ist es so massiv wie ein Drache: Infinite Reichtum? If you're how long it takes to beat Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii and which the chapters are, I've got the answer.
Wie ein Drache: Pirat Yakuza in Hawaii hat insgesamt fünf Kapitel, was wie ein Drachengaiden entspricht, aber weniger als die Hälfte der Anzahl der Kapitel in einem Drachen: Infinite Reichtum .
Here are those chapters, along with their respective titles.
Kapitel 1 beginnt mit Ihnen, wie der ehemalige Yakuza Goro Majima, der auf einer hawaiianischen Insel bekannt ist, die als Rich Island bekannt ist und nicht nach seinem ursprünglichen Besitzer benannt ist, nicht für seinen Reichtum. You've lost your memory – you're aware of the Yakuza and the general state of the world but Majima's own identity eludes him. Even when he's addressed by his name, it means nothing. Will that change? You'll have to play to find out.
Kamurocho, ein Tokio -Bezirk, das in früheren Spielen zu sehen ist, findet nicht in Pirat Yakuza , also darf man es nicht als Goro Majima durchstreifen, aber ich kann nicht sagen, dass ich es verpasst habe, nachdem es sich langsam durch die verschiedenen Yakuza/Like -Dragon -Spiele verändert habe. You do get to visit Hawaii's main island, as seen in Infinite Wealth , which happens in Chapter 2.
As with every other Yakuza/Like a Dragon game, there are side-quests to tackle and many optional activities to undertake. However, if you just go through the game, following the main story, it'll take you 16-20 hours to finish. Once the game's complete you can tackle any activities and quests you might have missed, so don't worry about being locked out.
However, what if you're really taking your time with Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza, aiming to complete every activity and play every quest? You're looking at around 40 hours to see everything the game has to offer.
Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza takes place not long after Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth , and potentially sets up an Infinite Wealth sequel. You don't need to have played Infinite Wealth, since the game gets you up to speed on what you need to know.
Related: Where to Get High-End Assorted Chocolates in Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii
However, be warned. If you do plan on playing Infinite Wealth at some point, you might want to play that first. Warum? Because Pirate Yakuza spoils a pretty significant plot point from that game, and it does so within the first couple of hours or so.
So those are all chapters Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza and the lowdown on how long it takes to beat.