It may feel like we’ve gone back to the Stone Age during the Primitive weekly challenge in Phasmophobia, but I don’t think cavemen needed to worry about ghosts haunting them. We’ll need to get in and out without our electronics, but can we make that happen?
The Primitive Challenge is another one of Phasmophobia‘s most difficult weekly challenges currently available in the game. This is because, as its description suggests, you will have to identify the ghost and complete the investigations without the help of any electronics. That’s going to leave you with very few tools to use, and you’ll need to rely far more on your intuition and knowledge of ghost behavior.
You must complete this challenge at 10 Ridgeview Court, one of the game’s house-style maps that features a layout easier to navigate and seek safety in compared to others. Also, remember that as with all other weekly challenges in the game, you must fulfill a total of three qualifying investigations to receive full credit for the challenge.
As with other weekly challenges in Phasmophobia, there are various unique rules and circumstances to keep in mind while conducting your investigations. The first is taking note of the loadout you’re provided, or lack thereof.
As mentioned earlier, electronics are the main type of equipment that you’re forced to do without, and that accounts for most of it. Everything from basic Flashlights to evidence-gathering tools like DOTs Projectors, Video Cameras to monitor the ghost, and more is entirely absent (as seen below).
In addition, Sanity Medication has also been removed. Thankfully, you do start this challenge with a full meter of Sanity to help protect you (at least temporarily) against nefarious ghost behavior. The equipment you are given also includes two Tier 1 Crucifixes, meaning that you can prevent up to two ghost hunt attempts with them, if properly placed. Along with Tier 2 Firelights, a full set of Tier 1 Incense is also provided, for further protection.
In terms of tools that can be used to gather evidence, your options are extremely limited. You get two Tier 3 Ghost Writing books and two Tier 1 “glowstick” UV lights. Those will have to function both as your flashlights and tools for ultraviolet evidence. Finally, you have two Tier 1 thermometers for detecting freezing temperatures.
From this point, you’ll need to use the best of your paranormal intuition to determine what ghost you’re dealing with. Aside from traditional evidence, all ghosts in Phasmophobia have their own unique behavioral traits that help distinguish them from others. It can take practice to understand and recognize those traits, but our no-evidence cheat sheet can also help you out.
As for how to best approach this investigation, your first priority is to locate the ghost as quickly as possible. Particularly because you don’t have access to the house’s fuse box (remember, no electronics), your sanity is more at risk in the dark. Thankfully, the ghost in this challenge features increased overall activity, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to track it down.
Otherwise, you can go the unconventional route and use the one Cursed Object provided to you – the Ouija Board. You can find it inside the cramped laundry room on the first floor, left of the dining area. Use it to ask the ghost what its “favorite room” is, and it will spell it out for you. Be warned, though, that this will cost 50% of your sanity. Also, make sure to tell the board “Goodbye” once it finishes, otherwise it may break and trigger a Cursed Hunt. This is particularly recommended for those playing in groups, as a safety measure.
To participate in a weekly challenge in Phasmophobia, first choose either Singleplayer or Multiplayer, if you want to play in a group. Next, go to your Difficulty Settings, located right above your profile ID. Scroll through the options until you come across the ‘Challenge Mode’ difficulty and its description.
Select ‘Apply’ at the bottom and then return to the main menu. Pivot over to the map board selection screen and look for 10 Ridgeview Court. The challenge doesn’t automatically select the required location for you, so you need to apply it yourself.
Remember that the loadout is pre-selected for you, free of charge, and you cannot alter it in any way. When you’re set to go, select ‘Ready Up’ and then ‘Start’ to begin the challenge.
Related: All Weekly Challenges in Phasmophobia, Listed
The Weekly Challenge resets on Monday at Midnight UTC, but players in North America can actually start on it on Sunday Evening at the following times:
That concludes how to complete the Primitive Challenge in Phasmophobia‘s weekly challenge series. Be sure to check out our other content for the game, including a guide to all achievements and trophies and how to unlock them.
Phasmophobiais available now on PC.