لدى Hollow Era الكثير لتقدمه ، والذي يمكن أن يكون ساحقًا. To help you with that, this beginner's guide has everything you need to know to make your Hollow Era journey smooth.
Key Mapping | Action/s |
MB1 | Basic Attack |
و | حاجز |
ه | Equip |
W 2x (Press W twice quickly) | سباق |
س | اندفاعة |
ZXC | Mode Skills |
الخامس | Ultimate Mode Skill |
0-9 | Special Skills |
م | قائمة طعام |
ذ | وضع |
ي | Reveal Objectives |
Middle Mouse Button | Lock On |
When it comes to choosing between becoming a Soul Reaper and a Hollow, things can be quite complicated, but the choice depends on what you want. Soul Reapers are great if you want to progress quickly and easily .
Hollow is a more powerful path , but requires more grinding compared to being a Soul Reaper. There will be a third route, Quincy, to choose from in the future. But as of now, we don't know much about it, so you only have two progression paths for now.
Levelling up is diffrent for Hollows and Soul Reapers. For Soul Reapers, I recommend doing the recommended quests until you are level 15 and then do the level 15 quest to get a Shikai. ومع ذلك ، فإن البحث عن Shikai أمر صعب ، وكذلك الأمر بالنسبة للأسئلة السابقة لهزيمة شينيجامي الغاشمة لتتصل إلى المستوى 17 إلى 20 ، ثم القيام بمهام شيكاي.
For Hollows you want to keep following the recommended quests until you are gillian and then do the quests to become Adjucha. After that, you will have the option to grind for Vasto Lorde and then become an Espada or skip that to become an Arrancar.
Whichever path you choose, both Soul Reapers and Hollows now have to reach level 50 to evolve into the next stage. For this part, I recommend going to the Karakura Town and farming Gillians with its quest . If not that, you can go for the Sword Students quest as well. Either will do great for you to level up.
To access the skill trees, press M to open the menu and tap Skill Trees . When there, you will see a bunch of different options based on your progression path, here is a basic overview of each of the skill trees.
Here are some of the best items with their stats in Hollow Era.
غرض | Stat |
الكابتن كيب | 1 السرعة 1 Resistance 1 Health Regen 1 رياتسو 1 رياتسو 1 سيف 1 قوة |
ممزق كيب | 1 السرعة 1 Resistance 1 Health Regen 1 رياتسو 1 Reiatsu Regen 1 سيف 1 قوة |
كابتن كيب | 1 السرعة 1 قوة 1 رياتسو 1 سيف 1 Reiatsu Regen 1 Health Regen |
الكابتن كيب | 1 السرعة 1 قوة 1 رياتسو 1 Resistance 1 سيف 1 ري ريجين 1 Hp Regen |
نظارات المخترعين | 1 Reiatsu Regen 1 رياتسو |
هالو السحر | 2 Reiatsu Regen |
لحية طويلة | 1 رياتسو 1 قوة |
eyepatch | 1 رياتسو 1 سيف |
urahara cape | 1 Resistance 1 Health Regen |
القرن الثلاثي | 3 قوة |
Here is how you can get each of the Fighting Styles in Hollow Era:
For more guides on Hollow Era, check Hollow Era Private Server Codes here on Pro Game Guides.