There are many things to get busy with in Monster Hunter Wilds , and it doesn't always have to be hunting down the biggest creatures out there. For those needing help to get the A Prize Held High trophy or achievement in Monster Hunter Wilds , here's what you need to do.
Based on the description of the trophy, you might think it has something to do with dragons or wyverns. However, the target you should be aiming for is actually the Curioshell Crab, which can be captured using the Capture Net.
Determining the best locations for this particular lifeform can be hard, as it can be found almost everywhere on the various maps. The most reliable method for us has been to get to the Scarlet Forest. From the base camp, make your way over to Area 6: Flowering Rocks pop-up camp. If you have not found this site yet, it is located in between Areas 2 and 6.
Once you are there, look at the nearby puddle of water, which is a fertile spawning ground for the Curioshell Crab. If you cannot spot it with your eyes, you can also rely on the help of Alma. سوف تسأل ما إذا كان هذا المخلوق يحمل شيئًا ، مما يشير إلى أن سلطعون CurioShell هو على مقربة حاليًا.
ذات الصلة: كيفية إصلاح وحش هنتر برية لا تبدأ
الآن ، ستحتاج إلى تجهيز شبكة التقاطك ، وتهدف إلى الشبكة البرتقالية الشبكية ثم تطلق النار على المخلوق. If you do it correctly, you will be netting both a Curioshell Crab, as well as an Ancient Wyvern Coin for your troubles.
The Curioshell Crab tends to move at quick speeds, so be sure to keep up and fire ahead of its path in order to capture it properly. مناطق أخرى محتملة حيث يمكن العثور على المخلوق أكثر سهولة في المنطقة 13 من سهول Windward ، أو المنطقة 8 من غابة القرمزي أيضًا. هناك دائمًا إمكانية تفريخها في مناطق أخرى من الخرائط ، ولكن هذه هي الأماكن الحالية التي اختبرناها حتى الآن.
هذا هو كل ما تحتاج لمعرفته حول الحصول على جائزة A يحتفظ بكأس عالية أو إنجاز في Monster Hunter Wilds . For everything else, please search site.
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